The worry is that his office is in the EEOB.
The worry is that his office is in the EEOB.
You know when she smiles it’s that horribly fake smile that only a soulless demon wearing a human suit would make...this truly is the worst trouser-leg of time.
I would imagine she dreams regularly about a blunt knife, and a LOT of screaming.
I’d happily do the deed; I lave a lovely pair of ice climbing boots and crampons.
tRUMP wants a good hard kick to the balls.
Well, I guess I’m getting a Switch now...
You don’t cheer for evil. You fight it, tooth and claw.
THANK YOU! I’ve been trying to figure out how to explain that putrid rotting corpse of a Rice Crispies elf; this is perfect!
Am I the only one dreading Summer? I mean yeah sunlight on my skin physically hurts me, but hot, long days, short nights...fucking hell on earth man!
Don’t do that! And while you’re not doing that can we have our bowl of fucking shamrock back?! I need to shove it up a Taoiseach’s ass.
I find it as a webcomic very, very satisfying to read. There are laugh out loud panels, there are panels that just fill me with joy/sadness/curiosity you name it. I think it’s just one of those comics that you either like or don’t and nothing will change one to the other.
Someone’s Momma had a basketball to dribble when someone was a baby...sheeesh!
I have no idea what you’re saying.
Yup, Carthaginians were horrible people (but whether they actually did that is still in question, because there’s a link between the number of charred child remains and how well the city was doing; bad times mean higher child mortality so...not to mention history being written by the victors), and yep the were bad at…
Oh I’m not serious, that baby never leaves my home; now it’s blunt sister, well I use her most days during my workout.
Highlander...wonder if I could get Joan Jetts part from the series...but yeah concealing a blade that size, and mass would be an impossible challenge without the Bag of Holding I think all the…
I know and I hate it. I have a PS4, and PC; but all my friends play on XBone.
I’ll bear it in mind if I ever go to the US to only openly carry my period accurate, perfectly tempered, and razor sharp falcata. ;-)
Well that was unnecessarily, and awesomely gory; but holy shit that’s fucked up. Boy the US is a weird place.
You can’t? Seriously asking because if you can legally carry a gun, a supposed tool, why in the fuck couldn’t you legally carry an actual tool. Also cosplay for the win!
...*shudders* I’d moved on to gin, but this is definitely feeling like a dozen large bourbon’s day.