Amanda Harper

Do you mean the blonde one he wishes he could fuck? Or the blonde one he wishes would get off the fucking planet? ;-)

Sorry they all look alike to me; you know with their cold lifeless reptile eyes.

All week? I wouldn’t be surprised to hear that it’s the first time daddy’s seen his face. “Yeah, yeah kid whatever, go bother your mom...which one’s your mom again?”

I always make a fort out of my sofa, fleece blankets, cushions, a 32" tv, a PS4 Pro, and a beagle. Great times man, great times.


The last paragraph is Ireland.

Nah those hands are the kind to carry a tiny, tiny derringer; but then shake too much to take the shot.

Speaking of, if there was an assassination in this presidential term I’d lay bets on Bannon being the target.

This is the one I’m going for. I’ve used it IRL and thoroughly enjoyed it.

I was looking at getting a new monitor, then I realised that for the price I was thinking of paying I could get a 16" tablet monitor and retire my Wacom Intuos...stiiiiiill waiting on the delivery...frakkin’ Amazon.

Chalice Dungeons are my favourite part of BB. I love the Souls formula with the Roguelite element. Also I fucking hate that special friend.

Rost’s death actually had me in tears. Angry, murderous tears. Mostly I think because I spent hours in the opening area, always coming back to him intending to go fight the sawtooth but chickening out because I was sure he would somehow die. He did, and I won’t lie, I took a GREAT deal of pleasure in wiping out the

Yup, and very long memories. Also the ability to hand down a good grudge in the same way other peoples might hand down a family bottle of wine.

Hell yeah, imagine bending the knee to that hack!


The PRC is scary as fuck. I’d almost wish that Russia and China would break each others teeth on one another, but fallout tends to spread a long long way.

Pretty much sums up some of the main reasons Ireland left the Commonwealth. Well that and other reasons.

Technically Ireland is closer, if we count the Island, and travel via the Giants Causeway. Of course that would mean my wanting Northern Ireland to be part of the Republic which I do not...So I guess what I’m saying is that I’m so so sorry you’re nearest neighbours are the French. ;-) (Kidding I love French people.)

And that right there’s my nightmare fuel for the day. Thanks. :-D

Well it’s basically softcore anyway.