Actually both. The character was eaten by otyugh, slowly eaten, over 14 turns while the rest of the party tried to save him...then they spent 9 sessions on an epic quest to have him resurrected.
Actually both. The character was eaten by otyugh, slowly eaten, over 14 turns while the rest of the party tried to save him...then they spent 9 sessions on an epic quest to have him resurrected.
Isn’t that the name of a wrestler? I know I had a DnD player who once named a character that; he died, horribly.
It may happen at some stage, but...could be a while though.
I inherited a PS3 after my partners son-in-laws stopped working. It would boot, overheat, and shutdown in about 3 minutes. So he asked if I could have a look. Four DVDs, FOUR FUCKING DVDs! So many that it essentially demolished the player.
I ended up using a spare drive I had lying around that fitted; and bollocked his…
Bows are wonderful, Ciphers are wonderful, Galatine is heavy METAL!
I have a wine problem, the problem is my glass no longer had wine in it.
Well I did say girl on girl, so Michelle would be fine...damn fine.
My girlfriend gave out hell over my wardrobe filled with old PC parts until she watched me building my current gaming rig. Sucker would not boot, so all the usual checks, swapped in and out old parts for one by one, then started on cables. It turned out to be a break inside a power cable (thank fuck for customisable…
My girlfriend gave out hell over my wardrobe filled with old PC parts until she watched me building my current gaming rig. Sucker would not boot, so all the usual checks, swapped in and out old parts for one by one, then started on cables. It turned out to be a break inside a power cable (thank fuck for customisable…
PTSD from being handed around like snuff at a wake by a pedo-ring. But sure why don’t you boys explain to me again like I’m some imbecilic little girl how I don’t understand what it is.
Right there with you.
Never, ever underestimate the power hate can have on the longevity of old ladies. And that is one lady who fucking HATES trump.
WRITE A GODDAMN NOVEL PLEASE! That humour needs to be used for evil damn it!
Round here they’re the best party guests; they bring the best cheeses and wines.
Now that’s a girl on girl porno I would actually watch...but not with Hillary starring. *shudders*
As virtually the exact opposite (only lacking the extra melanin, but I am super gay, and female) I also say fuck that guy.
Well in fairness even trump and Melania are a better love story than Twilight. He loves European trophies and she loves money.
Oh he did, but those only apply to other people; not gods “chosen” men. Emphasis on the last word of the previous sentence.
But, his, emails? (It’s early, I’m not really awake yet, so no A game yet.)
Now I remember why I never finished Beyond: Two Souls; I got to that point and it brought back way too much stuff. A girlfriend and I broke up, she moved back home and I was left in an apartment I couldn’t afford, just as I started the INSANELY expensive process of transitioning.