Well, that was gross, and eff you for sharing it. I hope someone from their jurisdiction’s Animal Control unit sees this and opens up an animal cruelty investigation. Because that’s what this is.
Well, that was gross, and eff you for sharing it. I hope someone from their jurisdiction’s Animal Control unit sees this and opens up an animal cruelty investigation. Because that’s what this is.
What a stupid fucking idiot.
My point is more that it’s clear that Currie and Jett are so busy trying to rationalize their behavior in that moment that they’re not even really listening to what Fuchs has to say. They’re making it about themselves, which is just really shitty.
The other Runaways were making fun of Jackie for years for that rape. To apologize or own it they’d have to wrap their minds around the fact that they did that.
“I am sorry, I didn’t see it happen” or “I am sorry, I did not realize that was happening.”
I think I am okay with her bandmates staying silent on the subject, as painful as that is for Jackie Fuchs. As a forty six year old who spent many of my teen years at punk clubs, incredibly fucked up, I don’t know what I could possibly say if I were in this position. If my friend Sharon announced in the press that one…
Y’know, it’s funny. I usually would not condone criticism regarding a woman’s looks, but because she’s revealed herself to be a total asshole, I’m really okay with it.
The weird thing is that if she was raped, there is no reason for any of the band mates to not support her. They can’t retroactively ruin their careers or their legacy. So why keep silent? Doesn’t make any sense to me. Why not help give this woman some damn closure over this by showing solidarity?
Nope. I think she’s entirely overrated and never got her appeal.
It’s unfortunate that Jett and Currie are letting their identity of “tough girl” define their perspective on what happened. It’s telling that they both say “unconscious” even though Jackie’s account states she was awake- just extremely intoxicated because of the Quaalude. They have chosen to believe that because…
It’s pretty disgusting that Joan and Cherie are more worried about their reputations than supporting their ex-bandmate. No one with any iota of sanity is going to blame 2 teenage girls (who were likely also under the influence and abused) for not preventing the rape. Support Jackie you dicks.