
So stop disparaging black leadership!

And these people too?

I know we're not on Facebook but I just had to give you this.

I know you feel the same way about these men too.

I know we’re not on Facebook but I just had to post this picture. I totally agree with everything you wrote and it is long overdue that minorities, especially African-Americans, since we are the ones who receive harsher sentences for the exact same crimes that white commit, should start holding judges accountable for

What are you talking about???? Please stop posting until you take a writing class. I stopped trying to decipher what you wrote before my brain exploded. 

I think Camille Cosby always knew Bill was cheating on her but accepted it because she liked the lifestyle his fame and fortune afforded her and a lot of women, especially about her same age seem to think “all men cheat, he is the KING of the house”, to justify any and every thing he chooses to do and obedient and sile

Would you please, please, please, proofread your posts? Trying to decipher your random, non-sensical, gibberish was torture 

Best reply on the internet. I have kidnapped it, and you will provably find it on every blog about stupid police officers forever. THANK YOU!!

They are already satisfied with his overall performance that is why he was elected TWICE. Your comment is dripping with racism by referring to Obama as a racist caricature. HE WON TWICE, GET OVER IT!!!

How he spends his free time is his business. He doesn’t have to explain or justify anything he does. 

Are you serious??? You are forgetting that my (still), president is brilliant. He knows that Drumpy is just waiting for him to comment about all of the scandals surrounding the White House like plaques so that Drumpy will try to use him as a scapegoat for all of his problems. Obama is too smart to take the bait. He

Get a group of fed-up, courageous, neighbors together, find a lawyer, and sue them. What they are doing is illegal.

WOW!! I am glad that I don’t know you, and especially not related to you.

“Meet the burden of proof showing that your privacy interest outweighs the public’s interest in disclosing your name”. You can save some money and do this yourself by telling a judge your very life depends on your identity remaining private. Crime statistics from your neighborhood should convince any judge.