You shouldn’t give this dumba$$ free publicity. He is too dense to understand that the protests are about America not protecting the lives of African Americans. He is no longer a black man so when his fellow thugs in uniform don’t recognize him when he’s out of uniform and treat him like an ordinary black man, let him…
Who is a lower class person. That term to describe anyone, no matter what their circumstances are is insulting, derisive, and demeaning
No one is born a racist, racism is learned behavior.
Why do you suppose they only used black babies to make fun of?
What the hell are you talking about?? Your post makes absolutely no sense.
Another driving problem we have here in Florida is immigrants who don’t know how to read and sometimes even speak English. There is a Spanish version of the driving handbook but they don’t know how to read road signs in English but somehow manage to (steal)!!! 😉😲😰😈🤔, get 😉, a driver’s license and then make up…
Another driving problem we have here in Florida is immigrants who don’t know how to read and sometimes even speak English. There is a Spanish version of the driving handbook but they don’t know how to read road signs that are in English but somehow manage to (steal)!! 😉😲😰😈🤔, get a driver’s license and then make…
Another driving problem we have here in Florida is immigrants who don’t know how to read and sometimes even speak English. There is a Spanish version of the driving handbook but they don’t know how to read road signs in English but somehow manage to (steal) 😉😲😰😈🤔 get a driver’s license and then make up their…
This unapologetic BS letter dictated by a lawyer should be ignored.
I agree completely. $hit trickles down from the top. He felt comfortable making that statement. His superiors are trying to save face by pretending to be shocked.
They should’ve started throwing things back at her stupid, racist a$$.
For some reason they feel superior to everyone else and think they own the world.
No one is allowed to destroy someone else’s property without being held accountable for it and paying for damages.
He was exercising his “Stand your Ground” right against this truck that was obviously the wrong color, just sitting in the street, minding its own business. Evidently, he thinks he owns the road.
A greedy monster. Trump and his cabinet are in Washington to become more wealthy and do the bidding/repay the corporations that schemed to put them there.
Slaves learned how to speak from their white slave owners and poor whites. Vestiges of that poor grammar still linger to this day. Coupled with not being allowed to read and write was doubly offensive and any self-righteous person who would criticize the way African-Americans speak today and continue to exclude them…
So, all of your clients are racists too, just like you?
But when they show up in person their skin color makes all the difference.