
I’ve said this before, but I don’t care, I’ll keep saying it:

I wrote a letter to my local councilman in my former city when we were trying to add LGBTQ to the protected classes. I wrote exactly this: Your children, and their children will judge you harshly if you don’t stand up now. It is easy to stand up when everyone has evolved. It matters most to stand up when it is

Look at the relies to Herr Trumpenfurher’s tweets and on every one, you’ll see the exact same reply about drinking from a liberal tears mug and about 7 following it about how they bought it for everyone they know. Always have different avatars. There are many paid trolls out there.

Interesting takeaway from this election cycle: Turns out that the GOP, the party that routinely wraps itself in the American flag and the Constitution, not really all that interested in democracy.

*Dogfart.net posts about pizzagate*
“Why is MSM ignoring this obviously true story!”

*NPR Reports that Russia hacked the DNC to influence the election in Trump’s favor*
“Who are these, ‘unnamed sources’? Probably just a liberal smoke screen!”

Maybe because Negan reminds us a little too much of a certain person who was recently elected? I like to work out my anxiety by getting scared of imaginary zombies, not have it amplified by getting scared of an imaginary dictatorial narcissist.