
Sami Zayn comes to work every time.

The less interesting Jinder Mahal!


4 more years and Diamond Joe rolls into DC with his boss Trans Am, Priest cranked up to 12 on the Blaupunkt.

Besides the tacky tacking-on a celebrity's passing, he enlists Willow Smith to add insult to injury.

She looks like Kelly Clarkson after a triple roast beef sandwich.

Her true enemy? Flared slacks.

*substitutes "mildly sedative" for "searing"*

Diamond Joe surely does. And that's what really matters.

There are pretty known reasons why she does not.

Did we ever find out why her rescue dog was found emaciated, lost and near death?

I hope he's Tawny, writhing on the hood of a trans am.

On your own?

It's FX. Let's stop acting like it happened on ABC's nattering sitcom entries at a robust hour of 8pm.

He'll be the one in the bitchin' gold satin Shiner Bock promotional jacket.

I have very little time for those who chose to wallow in their ignorance. Go fucking Google the guy for fuck's sake. Or choose to ignore the missive entirely. Two choices right there.

It has zero amount of the campy charm of the cartoon.

I'm not going on DailyMail.co.uk and bloviating about how I don't know who Charlotte Crosby is, you sodding wanker.


Or at least a revocation of that tax exempt status.