
Uncle Jessie's Stained Coveralls as Press Secretary.

Facebook is fucking awful.

'sprang into ennui', lol.

Too late, jerks. It only took you 10 years?

"Womyn Who Twerque"

*sniff sniff*

cash me ousside, how bah dah?

egalitarian access to a globalwide platform is a bad, bad, bad idea.

*unplugs his twitter account*

Oh great. Another old fuck that thinks he knows what's best.

Or Mother Panic or Shade the Changing Girl?

Unless Bendis has nothing to do with it, it'll just be the same old same old, shiny #1s.

After years and years of unfair, Bendis-enforced limbo for the character.

Those bitchin' OTK boots.

Marvel's house star Bendis's ridiculous portrayals of women tip the balance far in DC's favor.

*rockin' flute arpeggio*

"No one knows what it's like

In happier days:

Drink your big black cow

HOTTER TAEK: Some parents just done fucked up somewhere. HOW BOW NOW BROW COW?