
Yeah, very recently. I had no idea this was such a recycled bit of comic bookery.


yeah, srsly.

I know. I remember my elementary school having a few copies of the classic M of KF issues that I devoured and re-devoured.

naw, they would just show his torso extending like a beachtowel. Slightly better.

Me too. They look gorgeous.

OMG, RKO pose? son, you aint pullin it off,

I mean, Logan's still dead

Ms Marvel's big hands are A COMPLETE SIGHT GAG EYESORE. Enough.

lol. it does scream YA. More than a bit burnt out on Marvel going for the YA feelz.

I Dig it. Why would Shang Chi be hanging out with these high school losers, though?

at this point, sadomasochism.

Remember when Chip from K&A found out he had a cousin from Jersey called Chop?

How's Kaitlin Olson's RAUNCHINESS?

Yes. I'm also shocked this bullshit Castle-knockoff gets such a inordinately high grade.

Crackle is more the liquid effluvia found behind said outdoor RC Cola vending machine.

+1 great post


That eagle is laying a mound of gold shit. Apropos.