
Servin' BURGERS, that pussy.

Daaaaaaamn, Richard Marx.


sinfest = the way cooler scott pilgrim.

W + D is absolutely unreadable navelgazing. And I thought Young Avengers was the nadir.

Ditto on the quality control.

I liked the new character, and her refusal to fit into tightly conformed Campbell tropery in terms of motive and good v evil binary. Time to add some fresh blood to the mix.

Unless you're a voracious and determined film student, I don't think the fully formed perspective is all there yet.

benny blanco from the bronx

Up there with Repo Man as my favorite flick of all time.

Whatever its flaws, I've long held 'Blade Runner' in the highest esteem

Ice princess right here!

Call me when they get a bitchin Subaru.

Valid tender in Albukerkey.

SEESO: We're slightly better than the Playstation Network!

That Koala deserves all sorts of punching.

"Pluggers" also refers to the toiletclogging bullshit seeping out of that comic like a bad septic tank on premises.

I can't believe it's from 1936. I saw that all the time on tv in the early 80s. pre-war Merrie Melodies

that lil fucker!

where are the 17 ugliest celeb feet?