
Prudes, the lot of ye.

I'd say Crystal Stilts or Wild Nothing, but both of those bands were nowhere near as known as Bloc Party.

A band known for its beautifully-jarring, hyperkinetic angularity then decides to sully itself with spiritual treacle and soggy compositions.

i'm a programmer and I wouldn't piss on that movie if it was on fire.

"Banquet" might be one of the coolest songs ever committed to tape, digital, whatever was in that studio…

This was 100% Mad Magazine right here.

Authentic in a DIY egalitarianism that wasn't at all achievable in the highly-processed, overtly-technical production that was disco.

Gang of Four did it best!

It was cool in that the natural revulsion from helped codify a more authentic genre, punk.

Bravo's "Southern Charm"

Chhang Plerng in a steaming Pol Pot.

For a dalmation plantation, duuuh!


Also, Garbage Pail Kids..

Also, Garbage Pail Kids.

Over here? The French intellectuals perfected this "kerfluffle as culture war" snippery..

The dessicated corpse of ATHF was sputtering like an incontinent old Trump voter at the end there.

Aside from Danny Brown, I wish it was.

Lol, he turned into a fat Skeksis so gradually, I didnt even notice.

he's not sorry? That DICK!