
Because if FB content quality is anything to go by, Marketplace is chock full of great stuff!

"Revolution Radio"? Oh good lord.

<shrug> they're thriving in SF and Oakland. Been to a few cool ones in LA, too.

Absolutely not….

I couldn't be more unimpressed with her leadoff single.

I fucking love her and her knee high boots!

YES! New Pop Group! I love those anarcho-punks!

Also, TRE and GIRL end up bookending Atlanta colleges, across the street from each other, because Atlanta is a magical fairytale land.

Boyz N the Hood is one of the dumbest movies of the 90s.

Mine too. Just a classic.

Yeah, seriously, no.

Really overdid that Hello Deli bit

Why not just sell it?

"They released an album titled Indie Cindy? Really?"

No. It was a bit pedestrian, but Bagboy alone saves the record from being bad.

I think there's some sort of artistic constraint that's particular to the Pixies name. Measuring up to past glories or simply the group dynamic - i'd much rather see FB reform the Catholics and give us some premium power pop again.

It's a fine album. Rocks in parts, doesn't in others.

I tend to listen more to the Frank Black solo albums than I do the classic Pixies ones nowadays. Teenager of the Year is a stone cold fucking classic.

It stinks of Piscopo!

or a thin stew consisting of prawns and 4 kinds of rice.