
Oh, Emma Roberts' punching bag?

After the exceedingly subpar last couple of entries, this one sounds at least like its trying something different.

I did a running tally (on the old CBR threads) of how many times she failed as head of SWORD, either by incoming alien invasion or general fuckwittery aboard her own ship.

I'm not sure some of these covers are really that much out of a band's comfort range.

*motions for ejection*

Could they at least give her a snapback for her fetching ponytail?

The man knew how to afterparty.

Less shows up than just sort of lays his weight around.

Are San Diegans ever really mournful? You live in San Diego.

Screwball. No one's thrown that since Bugs Bunny when he was in Albu-kerkey!

this is the modern day equivalent of trodding the boards at Summerstock.

To the bedroom, with sexy results!

Not successful, but I do think there was a Bull Durham series, right?

Book was good. Whedon's shit character is not.

Yeah. For all his vaunted vigilateism, the Scourge has killed more villains than Franky.

I had a bigtime thread on the old CBR called "CARLIE COOPER FASHIONWATCH"

Turtles would give this some needed integrity.

Punisher by Mike Baron, holy fuck was that detailed and gritty. Love the schematic "arsenal" pages in the back detailing all his firepower.

Exactly. Punisher by very virtue of his raison d'etre, cannot be part of a team up or a team construct.

White Fox looks cool a.f.