

So's Madden 17.

Teen Titans is a curious case. They need the classic characters for it to work. Any of the newer entrants have all generally failed in capturing interest.

Um, life in the inner city East Bay is often grim.

DC realized that Starfire, Raven and Beast Boy are better characters as teenagers than they are grown adults. I'm sure being the most recognizeable characters in the TTGo cartoon helps.


lol, the devil you say. forced obsolence via background-level "updates" will speed up that supposed "couple of years" in short order.

lol daaaaamn!

"I just grokked my puckered bumsquart" is the new "surfing the web"

*ponders for a bit, reaches for bottle of Jack Daniels*

Apple = GloboChem.

They be hurtin right now.

as someone who's worked in large scale product dev, I can believe it. Time crunches, moronic middle managers, and shifting goalposts will turn any project into a Win 8 clusterfuck.

Wait, IoMega Zip Disks you say?

God bless. I used to love connecting flights at Hartsfield just for that sweet rush of nicotine.

You're top asshole for too long, you start overestimating your own reach.

Bingo. They're (or were) so entrenched in their own hardware specificity.

I can't imagine how utterly easy to lose those wireless buds are.

Is it me or did the Super Mario thing look like a forced, tacked-on reactionary response to Pokemon Go?

They're bumbling about like Microsoft in the 90s.