
Lurt and Boni.

Anthony O'Quinn.

Can't hear that song end and not expect the acoustic riffing to "Unsatisfied" to start right up.

What's sad is we're going to get an similarly-exhaustive oral history on Grantland in about 5 years.

it was a godsend for anyone pre-internet. Right there was everything you needed to read.

Yes. Rogan-Heigl feud SQUASHED.

tee hee

Gents, you best be layerin' on some SERIOUS TREACLE.

When I go, I hope for a treacly ballad from some whitebread stuck on a piano and a c-list rapper.

They could be monitoring those milfs' algae levels.


We had a notorious arcade on Market St. called Fun Center.

LOL @ @ "That poster looks like an angelfire page."

oooh, but it's so edgy and hardcore, ya feel me?

I come preflagged for your convenience.

The Blevins Ascension.

Your time is over, middle-aged white man.

Outside of this corny wedding cake episode, is there a specific reason why Roman Reigns engenders so much animus from the fans?

Also has ZERO personality, aside from an odd penchant for dressing like Pitbull.
