

*initiates ban paperwork*

Did we ever get pics of what hunky Don looked like?


And it takes place in a magnificent, glass-paneled W Hotel lobby with requisite ombre lighting ambiance.

Disorder in the court ensued.

The thing is, corporations have the right to fair and equitable treatment in the legal system. So saying that they should lose just because they're a corporation doesn't really work.

and a pooptrough.



I'd expect them to have some sort of valid emergency protocol. Not necessarily against mass shooters, of course. But something.

We shouldn't have to do a lot of things. That's not really a valid defense.

I crossed that line, didn't I!

In fairness to a big corporation…

Or taking a leak in your chair during said movie.

He was just so everyone's abusive dad. Loving and sweet, but only if performed to his exact specifications. Fuck you, Wonka.

the fact that Gene Wilder is 83 years old is a complete mindfuck.

basically this. thanks Guy.

OK, I fucking laughed out loud at this one.

It's protocol, but no one in their right mind at the company would want to risk this kind of bad PR.