
It would be nice to see that skinny queer Denton doing this but I suspect chugging a gallon of prisoner semen isn’t a weight loss regimen.

How cute. You think a compliment will unlock the granny panties and she’ll let you cop a feel!

She's an ass clown as a writer and she will never fuck an epsilon male such as you. So, stop kissing ass.

Why this cunt isn’t writing ad copy for the Parsippany Penny Saver is beyond me.

Stay in your lane. Problem solved faggot.

You're such a little bitch. How did you get through high school without being beaten to death?

Because you're a cock sucker apparently.

Turn in your J.D. fucker: there is no law to break. You, on the other seem to want to just change lanes without thinking.

Fucking bed wetter. Stay home if life is too hard for you.

By feminist logic, your dad is a rapist, Chelsea.

FL said “as sharp as two pounds of wet liver”. It's sad that I know that.