That, or a punching bag.
That, or a punching bag.
Do I need wine before I read these?
Read the comments on this article:
Exactly and women can donate their newborn’s umbilical cord blood too after the baby is born, it goes to research to help other people, it doesn’t harm the baby, it’s free, and would otherwise be tossed in the trash, but you WOULDN’T BELIEVE how many think you’re the fucking anti-christ if you even bring up the…
Thank you! Nancy Reagan is one of the biggest champions of fetal research and became one after President Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimers. Their patron saint died of a disease that could be cured in a decade if given proper research material and they think it’s better to go in a trashcan?
Just to give you an idea of how far the right has shifted, their patron saint, Ronald Reagan, has Nancy Reagan as a champion of fetal research. After President Reagan was diagnosed with Alzheimers she openly talked about how she always believed in a womans right to chose, was told to silence her opinion and believed…
“An abortion is the ambulance at the bottom of a hill, birth control is the fence at the top. “
The people freaking out think PP does force/coerce women into getting abortions, and of course they think that's just awful...for the baby of course. The woman doesn't matter.
So, every time you hear a Republican disparage the UK’s NHS, do me a favour and tell them to kindly go fuck themselves.
... I do not remember who you’re talking about and now I’m ridiculously curious.
dogwhistle the shit out of our reservoir of misogynists and racists.
They don’t hate shit, they don’t really give a damn about abortion, babies or women. They scream this garbage because their advisors tell them it will get them elected, and the Republican base proves them right.
By “selling”, they are referring to the practice of facilities receiving reimbursement for the costs of storing and shipping the donated tissues.
No, they are not sold. The GOP and their Bible-humping allies are just a pack of ignorant liars presching to an even more ignorant group of followers.
You are correct.
BUSH '16: Nobody puts babies in the coroner.
Just making sure I didn’t miss anything, but, “[...] the unthinkable practice of selling fetal organs.” is absolutely false, right? That they are donated to medical research facilities for working on important, scienc-y things that may one day save other peoples’ lives? That was my understanding but it keeps being…
TL;DR Wimmen. Can’t live with ‘em. Can’t kill ‘em. Unless you defund healthcare for them because BABIES. Amen.