
Whether I hate gays or not is immaterial. The author names names and you refute none of it.

That would make you the leader of the patrol. Boy buggers, the lot of ‘em.

It is child abuse. That you say it’s not is a matter of opinion same as mine. It isn’t a rebuttal to the content of the article, which you eluded like wounded hippo.

She's dead. At least you're consistent, lying about sex with women to cover for violating children. Nice character you've got there.

One child isn’t predatory in your eyes? Reveal your real name so we can look you up on your state’s Megan’s List DB.

He did the giving before, after or during the boy fucking?

Harvey Milk fucked teenage boys. Not bad enough for you, I guess?

I take it it you like to groom underage boys so that you can call it something different from rape?

Raping a boy isn’t predatory? I guess you’ll be arguing “freebies” for all the pederasts next, ay?

I've seen testimony of three. Is that enough to call a pedophile a pedophile?

Nope. The least surprising thing about this is that a serial cock teaser like Ashie Judd used to taunt men with her perky titties, but now that gravity and a shit attitude have reduced her sweater puppies to knee dusters, she pissed that it used to happen at all!

Bill can’t sexualize her, you oaf! Think “cankle in lipstick” and watch your erection melt and retreat into your body cavity!

I'm stunned.

What happened? This is completely new to me.

Excuse me? Little help here? This sounds awful, but I've not heard the story...