
Boring? You mean as in I called your hypocritical ass out in public on the Internet? Where you call out meanness, but profess a name worthy of some average ratchet bitch?

That would be “libertardian”. You are a retard liberal. I get why you wouldn't understand.

I'd rather do you.

Says the nimrod with “shut the fuck up” in his/her/its user name....you hypocritical libtardian fuckwit!

RBG is a cunt. That is all. A dry, desiccated old cunt.

I geared up on this one and my heart aches for this couple and their baby.

You haven't heard lying until you've remained upright during a entire Hillary Clinton speech. Breathtaking is the word you'd search for.

Let’s be real. It makes her sound like every dumb nigger you see in media. Not a one of them showing any restraint or class.

She didn’t embarrass English. She did however embarrass black people everywhere.

That’s a seriously skanky, skeezy, ghetto trash hoe bag right there.

I don't want that ratchet bitch working in me in the hospital. She better modulate that tone when she walks in my room. For realzz.

I feel bad for her boyfriend.

Maybe it was timing, but your stupid comment made me chuckle. +1 you xenophobe.

Define “high” and compared to what?Include in your brilliant analysis situations such as “being overrun”, “as compared to the ‘x’ war” where x=Vietnma, American Civil War, etc.

If indeed it can be verified that you are married to a living, biological woman (not a tranny, natch) it would appear you’ve actually touched a woman. That makes your brown wagon purchase an outlier, or mistake.

*watches you mincing away*

Your writing “voice” clearly says I needn’t change a word....

No one is asking when you bleed, bitch. Now shut up and get us a round of sandwiches after you wash your hands.

Serious med ? here: it’s often heard that people have their gall bladder removed and the matter is dropped as if they said they just got a wart removed.

Party of science=stupidity when their people fuck underage boys.