
If someone you don't know pays you to attend an event with them because they think you are pretty/sexy, and you only go because they are paying you, you are an escort. To take a job as an escort and then be surprised that it is awkward, skeezy or shady is stupid. You're an escort and that typically means your work is

I'll drink to that. And one for Mahler!

Yeah, although it gave me nightmares too! But I thought it demonstrated very interestingly the difference between Wolfie, the true paedophile who really believed a small boy was in love with him, and the ring running out of Al's home, who use the kids because they're vulnerable and already stigmatised.

And it makes you wonder why his daughter Bechet was sitting on his lap at a basketball game. I don't remember sitting on my dad's lap after age 6 or so. That girl is about 13.

It's primarily just an excuse to get nice pictures taken of the couple and because photographers have it included in their packages. On your second point though, I thought folks would appreciate these: http://offbeatbride.com/2013/12/funny-…

The diagnosis of Pedophilia has the specifiers of "exclusive type," in which they are only attracted to pre-pubesient children, and "non-exclusive type," in which they are attracted to pre-pubesient children and others along the age spectrum. It is actually more common that individuals diagnosed with Pedophilia will

This is, to my knowledge, true in terms of preferences. Woody demonstrates a pattern of choosing partners in their mid-to-late teens.

To be honest, that's more a question of terminology, sociology etc. It seems like you're asking if there is some difference in how "symptoms" might manifest, but honestly, age preferences are only really relevant when you're looking at the difference between people who are attracted to people that can't consent and

i hope not. i love wintour but i will lose all respect for her if she puts a kartrashian on the cover.

Yeah, the objectification felt really, really bland. By the end, it was 3rd on my list, maybe 4th.

Currently, I am reading Jezebel and watching Golden Girls. It pisses off Mr. Barge royally but that's married life for you.

Am I the only one who thinks this dress is hideous?

It's fine. If gifs are allowed I'll just post this on everyone's muffin photos.

I know that Gerber does gender neutral onesies and other baby clothing that is pretty inexpensive and cute!

First Princess Kate and now Beyoncé? Are nylons back?!?!

Now playing

This would be at least the second time Sting and RDJ have dueted.

That petition, wow. Just wow.

Because it is douchey and indulgent!

I don't get the method acting thing. Acting is acting for a reason. Blurring the lines between yourself and your characters just seems like a recipe for disaster. I LOVE DDL (especially in A Room With A View, can I get a what what Miss Honeychurch!) but I have seen multiple accounts about him being absolutely

Ies. Yf iou don't mynd, we are.