
Do you think he was purposely keeping you on the back burner to have someone to fall back on in case plan A didn't work out? Be careful with this one.

Good luck! Hopefully it will all end well (and be THAT kind of romcom, not the heartbreaky kind). I will say, this guy sounds... sketchy.

do you mean its not blue????

Hey parents! Guess who's smarter than your toddler? Freaking chickens.

If this were real, I would actually pee my pants in happiness and never stop... Because of all the happiness.

Apropos of nothing, one of my most prized possessions EVAR is an autographed doodle of Ms. Anderson's. I won it at a silent auction at a Big Brothers and Big Sisters charity event many, many years back. The X-Files was new and hadn't really blown up yet, so I was one of only two or three people who bid on her

It is said that Ben Franklin seduced half the ladies of the French Court while in his 80s... and the only reason he did not seduce all of them was due to insufficient time.



MHP is definitely the best. No question.

i stand corrected! so it seems she's Brit-ish. ar ar.

Jafar was super hot. Prove me wrong.

He would have been a better Oberyn Martell.


Actually signed up to Kinja to show my appreciation for this.

Helen Mirren is pretty much the greatest always. I may or may not have a massive crush on her.

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