
I want so much better things for Quvenzhane Wallis, but I am an admittedly cold hearted bitch who has always hated Annie. Actually, as a red head who grew up doing musical theater, I sincerely hope that the black girl as Annie catches on in an entirely selfish way. I never played Annie, and even skipped that year's

I'm not sure I have never seen a clearer depiction of the phrase "Money doesn't buy good taste."

Oh yeah, she's consistently pretty great. I knew her "Oh man, that girls wh's always good!" for a while before learning her name. I'm guessing that somewhere along the way the studio decided to put all it's eggs in one basket and push Lupita alone. It makes sense, I just still think Sarah deserved some recognition for

...I had to google SEO. I'm 25 :-/

I watched Schindler's List in high school, like a bunch of people have said, as well as Bowling for Columbine. The biggest problem we had was that my high school had large numbers of both jews and antisemitic assholes. So there was some notable tension in the room, but by 10th or 11th grade when I watched it, I think

I don't think she deserved a win over Lupita, but I was really surprised she hasn't been one of the consistent nominees. She was brilliant, and terrifying. And absolutely should have been in there over Julia Roberts, who I don't think was even the best supporting actress in August Osage County, never mind the whole

Wait people had a problem with that? That quite adorable photo of Emma Thompson being a wack job and Lupita looking so beautiful it hurt a little? Really?

This is surreal....

With extra Lucille!

I watched this in a room full of women at my all women's college, and while they were all sobbing I just stared blankly around the room going "Seriously? You guys didn't see this coming? I mean, clearly it was them, and it's Nicholas Sparks, they're gonna die. Why are you all upset?"

Given the fact that CZJ has publicly spoken about her issues with bipolar disorder, I'd hold off calling her an asshat. She seems like someone who has some serious issues, and probably isn't a picnic to be around sometimes, but seems less of an asshole as much as dealing with some serious issues. Never met her, but

I have loved Anna Kendrick since "She's fucked, I'm ready, and the god damned show must go on!"

Eh, I don't find that particularly odd. I grew up with a single mum, but lots of my friends sat on their dad's laps until different ages. Some early on stopped, some still do in adulthood.

The trashcan one is killing me. And the ring on the dirty coffee cup. I like these people.

I will never grow tired of this gif.

Gotcha, and I feel a little gross on the whole topic...but it's interesting in a terrifying way.

Thanks for the info! Super helpful.

That's where I am as well. I was wondering if there's any research to back up one side or the other, but it all seems pretty muddy. And the differences between long term abuse and a more short lived one.

Thanks for the response! I guess I'm more looking in terms of what the abuser's "type" is for a victim. Obviously the underlying cause is usually a power dynamic, but I thought that, generally speaking, a guy who goes after post pubescent girls who've developed secondary sex characteristics, isn't likely to go after a

Ok, that makes a lot of sense. I am not too well versed in abuse, luckily I guess, but the correlation of 19 year old step daughter with 7 year old step daughter, while both fucked up, and fucked up in similar way, also have some big differences in physical appearance. Thanks so much for that!