A. I'd be really interested to read some of those!
A. I'd be really interested to read some of those!
I respect Chaz for being so open about his transition, but I'm still bothered by some fairly sexist and weird comments he has made in the past. I'm too tired and got drunk while seeing Star Trek to figure it out now, but there are some quotes which are definitely problematic. Makes me wary of him.
That totally counts as getting something done!
This is all I have to add to this discussion...
It's not though, unless you have a weird reaction. I've taken it, and had next to no side effects, and from the Plan B website's list of side effects "The most common include: include changes in your period, nausea, lower abdominal pain, fatigue, headache, dizziness, and breast tenderness."
Always remember your food allergies/intolerances while high! Seriously, I am severely lactose intolerant, and have accidentally eaten creamy curry and ice cream(it was my roommate's) and that shit is the worst. Combine a bit of paranoia and dizzyness, with total digestive freak out, and you have a recipe for the worst…
I would nominate the duck one. "Oh hey drake, I want you to be my husband."
They also made all of them whiter, except Tiana(which is really weird...), and it's especially noticeable on Mulan. Girl is a totally different color.
I love her, she seems to be pretty great on the whole, and has the best freckles. More to the point, I definitely see where's she's coming from, Asians tend to get to be the action star/mysterious oriental/scientist/nerd and that's it. It sucks, and drives me crazy.
A. That is completely fucking insane that only one lab does it and they are trying to patent a gene. Jesus fucking christ, what the hell?
OMG they need to make lots of babies for the good of the human race!
Why did Helena Bonham-Carter not come to this? Seriously. Just picture the bat shit outfit that would have come out of that.
Oh man....I kind of like the Vogue people who don't know about it and just didn't give a fuck. Like Anna Wintour showing up in a pink floral Chanel because the color of punk is pink. Fantastic.
Possible. I'm not a tax person, so I can't say for sure.
You can opt out. I work in payroll, it gets really interesting around tax time when people figure out that they still owe the IRS money. Those are the best phone calls....
(skip to about a minute in to see the bits of this)
There's also a fairly famous modern dance piece set to that piece. Several friends were in a staging of it. That's why I ask. But great piece!
Wait, like the modern dance piece or singing the thing?
Feels like a good time to share this for any who haven't seen it. Epic.