Oh man, I've been loving the show. It's beautifully shot, and it has actually creeped me out at points, which isn't easy to do. Plus Eddie Izzard and Gillian Anderson have guest roles coming up!
Oh man, I've been loving the show. It's beautifully shot, and it has actually creeped me out at points, which isn't easy to do. Plus Eddie Izzard and Gillian Anderson have guest roles coming up!
I second MsLuey's request for more crazy stuff. That Cruella DeVille thing is priceless though. And fairly clever actually....
I know I shouldn't be, but I am legitimately impressed with people who can get their fist in their mouth. My tiny mouth can't do that, and I wear children's size gloves!
OOh thanks, that might be perfect. Looks easy too!
OK, vaguely related question, what do you think is the best and/or easiest way to fill in brows? I have super dark brows(with red hair, I'm a mutant) but my aunt is sick right now and her eyebrows have gone so white and sparse, and her skin is so pale she looks alien. She asked me about darkening them somehow, but I…
These are really bad, but have you seen any of the One Direction boyo's? OMG, prison tats. I don't understand, they all have money!!!!!!
Ok, this matchup is a little off methinks. I am fully on board with Obama and Clinton as Scary and Ginger, since those two were the most outgoing nutty of the Spice girls and most likely to shout girl power. And since Ginger is naturally a blonde, the coloring works too.
I have a kind of high voice, and sound fairly child like, but thankfully not in that baby talk kind of way. I have to focus on bringing it down to not be mistaken for a kid on the phone. Often.
My mum is tough as nails, and said being pregnant was the worst, but labor was a piece of cake. But you're not alone, from what I understand it sounds like it blows and I'll hate it too.
So, I'm feeling kind of out of it. Went to a concert last night(Skinny Lister, they're awesome!) so I'm hungover and have some pretty sore muscles from moshing, crowd surfing, and dance/jumping. I also gave blood on Sunday, so I'm a little down from that.
My mum has black hair, my dad blonde. I came out ginger, went strawberry blonde, then blonde blonde, then this weird in the middle of brown and strawberry blond color, and now it has settled back to the color it was when I was a baby. Plus some grey. Fucking genetics man.
Exactly! They seem like a thoroughly shitty business, and they seem to have some crappy equipment since it seems to break so easily, but they owe her a refund. It's not a fat discrimination, unless you want to make the case that they should have sturdier beds so this isn't a problem.
Sister Mary Clarence makes all things better.
There's definitely race angle with the Chris Brown thing, but I think another big part is that we all saw the picture of Rihanna, and he has continued to be an asshole of the highest degree. A public asshole as well. It's hard to get away from, and so every time he does another shit head thing, approximately every…
I have no idea what most of those words mean....But THANK YOU!
Legitimate question, how do I save that gif of the cat? That is, combined with the chow puppy trying to get out of a bowl, my life. I need it.
Good pictures of Idris Elba always count as news. ALWAYS!
I've had it and it is seriously the best! Though warning, if you bruise at all easily, you will look like you've been attacked by some sort of sea creature with suckers. Basically, hickies all over your back. But worth it!