
That'll do!

Anyone else think Anderson Cooper would have made a perfect coanchor for Ann Curry? Both are super into foreign affairs, have dealt admirably with incredibly painful to cover stories, and seem to have an odd sense of humor. I mean, he tends more to goofy, and she tends more towards sweet and overly caring aunt, but

I love this so much!!!!

I'm super cautious with breeders at all times, though I am soooo far away from being able to buy/take care of dog properly. But dreams are always there! And thanks for the advice!!!

I feel a little bad for how much this made me laugh. Only a little though.

OMG, I had never heard of Tamaskans, and now I want one! I mean, if I ever were to buy a breeder dog, and not a pound/rescue that is. They're so beautiful! And in this fantasy life I don't work and thus can spend all day training and exercising it, along with my boarder collie, corgi, and jack russell. Dreams.


I have several friends who I am close enough to that I would be expected to go to the bachelorette party who would be totally into this kind of night. Their nights out tend to involve clubs with covers(that are waved for ladies!) and over priced shitty cocktails. I never got out with them, but do genuinely like them

I agree with you 100%, but just wanted to share that it took four readings before I understood "inappropriately appropriate space at a gay bar." I write this as a note about how absurdly tired I am...

NY Times has live updates, and the recordings will be available at 1 this afternoon.

Have we hit a point where high heels and shorts are no longer code for hooker? Am I turning into my grandma? Seriously, that always looks so cheap and trashy to me.

I thought it was more of a maybe in ten years we'll have more women in the field, so directors will have more women to look up to as influences. It wasn't the best wording, but it seemed to be more of a hope for the future than anything.

Oh man, I know I'm kind of a bad person, but that "Watch your fucking language" one is hilarious. I kind of want to get that for my soon to be half sister...Dad will find it funny.

I remember reading something(ok it was a pin on pinterist, so take it as you will) about him saying that some kid coming up to him and saying he loved Captain Jack was better than any award.

Completely unrelated note, I met her and she gave me one of the best hugs ever. Seriously, the woman gives hugs that could cure polio.

I disagree, best typo ever!

I have the worst luck, I 'm a natural redhead who had gone grey, not white. And only on the top, the sides and entire under section is still perfectly light red(closest is Nicole Kidman in Practical Magic, only a tinge less bright). I found there's an Ion color from Sally's that is damn near my original color, but I

In the winter my skin almost never touches the sheets. I wear long pants, long sleeve shirt, and socks, sometimes two socks to bed. So I don't wash them that often in the winter. Seems like a waste of money since I have to wash nearly every item of clothing I own every two weeks because it's so god damned cold I can't

So, if that her ass smacking against her thighs making that smacking noise? Can that happen? I have an ass flat as a pancake, so I have no idea if that's even possible...

I think it's primarily being cheap. You can turn out a hell of a lot more beans if you roast them at higher temps for a shorter amount of time. They're gonna suck, but you'll have a lot of them. Also, the middles won't roast as thoroughly, so there's more caffeine left in there.