
Just quick point on this, she wasn't violently raped. And that is just as bad, traumatizing, and disgusting as if they had beat the shit out of her while raping her. Given the number of issues that arise from the lack of understanding about consent and rape, noting that this very public case was not violent is

I am consistently surprised by how much I've grown to like Miley Cyrus. That is a nice tattoo, I really like it.

What the ever loving fuck did I just read? Well half read, I couldn't follow the ramblings after a few sentences. I mean, seriously, if this was supposed to be a joke it was both poorly executed and dumb to begin with, and if not...?

I skimmed this, after realizing how incoherent it was, but that made me spit out my tea(Barry's by the way, the best of teas). What the ever loving fuck?!?!

I find William and Kate getting so angry over Scrabble one of the more adorable things I've heard.

And from there it's just a slippery slope down to sex with ducks.

All of that sounds amazing(the program, the co-counselor, the office hours). Also, agreed. It takes all my self control when I see a seeing eye dog, to know that I can't run up and play with him/her. Why must they all be sooooo cute?!?!?

Omg, same thing. Blech.

Oh man, my afternoon is going to be so much less productive. Fantastic!

I don't think it's trolling, this is a topic with some unclear lines. It doesn't take much to push things into the offensive category. There are some cases, like this or those recent African Queen photos, where you look at it and can clearly see that it's problematic. But then there are cases where someone can be

So I read the headline as 'Chucklefuck', and couldn't understand why anyone would be against that word. It sounds like either a clusterfuck where everyone is laughing, or really funny sex. Either of which is great, and deserves a word.

You are my favorite person today. I tip my hat to you.

Poor, poor Cecil. But yeah, I think he's doing alright. All them Oscars...

Ha, me too!

Things will be awkward if I ever meet Patrick Stewart in real life....

Anyone else read that as Dr. Thomas Friedman? I was so confused for a minute there. Man, I need more tea...

I'm 24 and wear moisturizer with SPF 50 every day on my face, and lotion with SPF 15 on my body. If I actually spend time out in the sun, I am slathered. And Wide brimmed hats are my friend.

That made me want to vomit and die. And I only got through #5. Fuck those places.

Is it just me, or does anytime Chelsea Handler attacks someone, I end up liking the person she attacked more? I don't even like Taylor Swift, but what the ever loving fuck was that supposed to mean? And all the Angelina Jolie shit. Want to talk about women hating on other women, woof.

You are giving me far too much credit me friend, but I'll give your compliments to my mum anyway :)