
“No more musical montages, Hallelujah” 

Now playing

This is true, but without the overuse of this stupid crutch, we would never have seen this amazing bit of awfulness.

Is this your wolverine?

Pheasants are not emotional supports, they are delicious roasts!

I cleared my statement on my reply to you. As I said there, my bad: English isn’t my first language, and sometimes I’ve difficulty conveying my ideas properly.

Peacocks go out of their way to inconvenience people. I’m just stunned that someone has found one helpful

I have issues with flying. I am basically in a state of quiet terror the whole time and looking for a way to knock myself out between A and B. This has never influenced me to want to bring an animal on a flight.

Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.

Let me tell you something, if I get onto a plane, and there is a goddamn peacock roaming freely around the cabin, I. AM. OUT. I do NOT like birds, and there is no way that I’m going to be trapped in a metal tube with one for hours on end. Nope. No way. And peacocks can be particularly aggressive assholes, so double no

Agreed. Peacocks go out of their way to inconvenience people. I’m just stunned that someone has found one helpful

Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.

We’re already in the darkest timeline. Might as well see how far the rabbit hole goes. GO PHILLY

Oh, my sweet summer child....

This is America, where winning means you have to shove your ass in everyone’s face, then overturn even the most banal and popular of executive orders.

I figure after last year, New England fans are probably about as insufferable as they’re going to get, whereas Philadelphia still has a ceiling they haven’t yet hit. Which is why it hurts me to say, but I gotta pull for the Pats.

The church sequence was better executed and more creative than any sequence in Justice League.

Omnibus of squeeeee! Parts 1 & 2

They should call it “The Bob Weinstein Company. Bob Only, No Brothers Here. The Bob Weinstein Company”.

Because he worked on the projects and credits are tightly regulated by union contracts.

...No. It was that good.