
Ayyyyyeee how bout you give us a Lord's Kiss?

hahahah I love that. Also, I love that she went a deeper octave than trying to strain the high notes and make it really whispery.

8 hours for makeup is absurd...full work day and THEN you have to go and actually record all of your fight/actions scenes. Kudos to her.

Thankfully figured this out a few years ago. Great life hack. Good for the inside/outside of a computer and then essentially dusting off your work desk afterwards. Sorry person who shares a cubicle wall with me....or am I?

Is this woman available for hire?

Forgot about Melara. Cersei wants all this power (so she could feel equal to a man??) and punishes anyone who defies her only to be completely incompetent at the job (which she caused a lot of issues to obtain in the first place). Hard, hard PASS. Will not feel sorry for her at any time.

The world made her that way? Pretty sure her torturing Tyrion as a baby and fooling around with Jaime as a little kid had little to do with the world around her. Not to mention some of her downfall was because she didn't get Rhaegar like she wanted. Hard pass on Cersei.

It was great from 2004-2009 as it served as a way to keep up with high school and college friends and share photos. Now we're all graduated in the real world and it's just a constant barrage of, as you said, general life complaints, politics, quizzes, ads, buzzfeed and in your face NEW HOUSE/NEW

Oscar the Grouch was my nickname since I was about 4 years old :/

Even with the lip syncing off, the mix is completely awesome and well done, production value is great, and the fact that it got everyone involved makes it really amazing.

Friday was Heath Ledger's birthday :'/

The paintball scene remains my most favorite on-screen kiss of all time.

And so became a lifelong trend after that in my personal life.

Top 3 favorite Secret Shames:

Winnie the Bish, I won't forget you!

Feeding children into their double digit age, yes.

Um excuse you, toaster ovens >>>>> toasters. Best method to head up day old pizza and less work to cook Tostinos pizza rolls and tortilla chips. GOOD DAY!

Throw Amanda Crew (Charlie St Cloud, The Haunting, She's the Man) into the mix.