
In her defense, Grace Coddington was fucking beautiful in her younger years. But yes, I agree. Her hair is very fried. I never understand when wealthy people, who have access to the best of everything, have lackluster physical attributes. Like, how does my hair look better than hers when I probably have .0001% of her

I too love this comment. <3

This is an awesome comment.

Thanks! I knew it was some Abby!

She seems to dislike her daughter for being mixed race, seems to have issues with the fact that she (AW) was married to a Jewish man before, etc. Just seems overall unstable and like a very unhealthy mother, based on what Rebecca said.


LMFAO that would be awesome if you ran into her friend.

She's always been one of my favorite authors, but after reading her daughter's memoirs, I can't look at her in the same way.

"We're not going to eradicate Republicans by ganging up on them."

I just snorted really loudly.

People wear bandanas for complicated, medical, and personal reasons? Oh. Okay.

Are you considering the white people who are tanned orange people of color?

I'd totally read this play.

Wasn't she the accused "other woman" with Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon's marriage, or am I mixing up my Abbys?

LMAO. Yeah, I don't get inspecting people's shopping carts. I always see anecdotes about it on different message boards...I never realized how damn nosy people are.

OMG. You are the first ever person I've heard (read) express how I feel about childbirth. It's always made me question what the hell is wrong with me, since everyone else throughout history has seemed totally fine with the process.

Yeah, I took it that way as well. It wasn't until I saw Makersmark's comment that I realized she might have meant something else? Hmm.

What an unpleasant name for a television show.

Thank you for the link!

Can you post or message me your natural hair Pinterest?