My dog absolutely is my baby.
My dog absolutely is my baby.
I had to get a special doula when I have birth to my cat, one who wouldn’t judge me for rolling the placenta up and smoking it in a joint.
Honestly, when I thought I couldn’t get angrier about this election.
“In the ninth month. On the final day. That’s not acceptable....Nobody has business doing what I just said. Doing that as late as one or two or three or four days prior to birth. Nobody has that.”
“I can palm a basketball, just ask Sean Hannity.”
This is a man who admittedly never changed a single diaper for his own children. I’m not surprised that he is completely ignorant about abortion procedures, whether early or late term. He doesn’t care.
I’m so confused. I thought Trump was saying it was the BAD HOMBRES doing this. Is this part of the Syrian Horse? If Trump produces a show about this, will he get an emmy? So many questions.
Can we get an “oh fuck yeah” for Clinton’s little, withering “that is not how it happens.”
My husband was like, “She looks mad.” Me: “You can’t understand the righteous anger of a woman being told what to do with her body.”
My wife and I recently lost our twin boys, Anton and Colin, at 20 weeks gestation. They were handsome, they were healthy, but my wife had an unforeseen and undiagnosed incompetent cervix despite being on bedrest for most of the 20 weeks, and we were advised that we need to deliver or we would lose three lives instead…
Your French sounds great to me.
“Respect” is what he calls his hands. His hands are for women.
Just curious how many abortions this man has demanded over the years.
Pardon my French, but fuck this guy in the asshole with a rusty chainsaw.
The abortion doctors are just ripping them right out! No anesthesia, sometimes right in the pregnant woman’s home while she’s sleeping!
He is not a cunt.
Business in the front, road to zion in the back.
“The significance, of course, is the frequency of love that is within the rose quartz crystal.
If you would have hit me up about fifteen years ago, I would have given everything I had to be in a cult led by Keegan. I had nothing of value, but I was full of love hormones. Probably coulda powered a few dozen rose quartz bracelets.