
You'll know I'm right one day. I just hope you discover it while there is still hope for you or the demons you don't believe in will be your tormentors for eternity. Turn to Jesus now before it's too late!

At this point for Trump we wouldn't be able to tell because its early days for him. Clinton and Obama have been "christians" for years and years so we have lots of information to go by. They absolutely have made it their life's work to uphold works that are very not Christian. Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets,

I function very well, thank you very much. I function better than people who don't believe that there are demons influencing them, because I know how to recognize them and I have authority over them to send them away when they bother me.

Demons exist and its nothing to joke about. You can't kill a demon, you can defeat them in your own life but they just move on to trouble someone else. I'm not afraid of them because I know how to defeat them.

True Christians (and by that I mean people that have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and are actually saved from Hell, not someone who makes a god in their own image that makes their sin comfortably tame and innocuous, and neither one that puts them piously above the masses of unrepentant sinners bound for

Yes indeed they exist.

Hillary and Obama are Christians only in the land of make believe. I doubt that they actually believe it themselves but regardless their lives and actions are absolutely contrary to the Word of God. There's a misunderstanding in this world about being a Christian, you aren't one simply because you say you are. Or

There is nothing at all funny about it really. The fact is that you have a demonic entity controlling your thoughts and life. I am free from that and can recognize it because I used to be there. I hope that you find freedom also. It comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Whom the Son sets free, is free

Trump wasn't my first choice by any stretch. My sister likened it to Ariel signing her voice away in the little mermaid. Myself, I was repeating Supreme Court, Supreme Court, under my breath. Hillary and Obama are the embodiment of all that I abhor, so I did the best I could do with what I was given to vote my

Wow, you are easily deceived. I feel sorry for you.

Because Obama didn't hold face lie to the public about any of it, and especially Obamacare.

I would say then that you are pro-death. Trump has promised to act in favor of pro-life issues. Hillary has sacrificed her soul to Satan in favor of dead children. There was no choice really.

What about Operation Fast and Furious, Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress, ObamaCare, Spying on Journalists, The IRS Scandal, Benghazi, Hillary Clinton's secret server, The Pigford Scandal, NSA Spying scandal, Bowe Bergdahl, Iran nuclear deal and ransom payment, Polluting the Colorado River, The GSA scandal,

If I truly believe that abortion is murder, why make an ally of someone who praises that murder unconditionally and pledges to demand it as a right ? And its called Pro-life not anti-abortion.

HAHAHA HAHAHA!!! Scandal-free! LMBO!

Because murdering innocents isn't a moral issue

No, I can't! I just can't! Hillary honest and ethical? Surely you jest! It's just too much. I think I need some more popcorn.

Fixed things? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

The real issue this election was that even though Democrats seemed to have the most popular ideals because the bought and paid for media said so, it was actually not the case. There's just a much smaller amount of people who agree with far left ideology because its nuts and 8 years of Obama did a lot to shine a spot

I think its sort of funny that people think they know what is in another person's interest. Isn't that sort of the idea behind our country anyway? We get to decide for ourselves what our interests are and vote accordingly.