
As the mother of a child diagnosed with autism I support you and your bravery for posting this here. Vaccines are not magically free from harm. A certain percentage of people react badly to them. Were they properly tested? As the vaccine schedule was ramped up, were kids getting too much mercury (a preservative) in

Wakefield did NOT start the movement, how ridiculous. Wakefield basically set the movement back. This movement has been going on as long as parents watched their kids die or change irrevocably after being vaccinated. Sure the reactions are rare, but they are listed on the vaccine inserts themselves as possible side

There is plenty of thimerosal in vaccines. They removed most from childhood vaccines but not the flu vaccine and rotovirus. Do your research, aluminum in vaccines is also highly toxic.

Wow. I’m surprised. Isn’t Jezebel about women? Just like the Bill Cosby women who no one wanted to believe until there was enough of them, don’t you all get this this movement was started by mothers who watched their children descend into autism after they were vaccinated? Don’t you get this is a denial of women's