
The dad in particular was just terrible as an actor. (Not to mention poorly written.) I hope the multiple characters mean that he'll be sidelined unlike in the original story.

Dolores Claiborne belongs in the Good I think. Kathy Bates and Judy parfitt were great in it, but the movie itself felt a little contrived.

I feel like the movie could have made the hopelessness feel more real if there was some passage of time between when the car stopped and when they decided to do what they did. It felt a little rushed. But I agree with you about the tenor of the ending and liked it better than the ending of the short story.

That is pretty accurate. Only The Talisman has a better ending. Don't get me wrong—there's some cool stuff in The Dark Tower—but I prefer The Talisman.

I wish that they'd kill off Crowley. He's so boring and has nothing to do. His mother's hilarious, though. She can stay.

I wish they had done more with Pamela. She was only in two or three episodes, but she was badass, and I would have loved to see more of her. #jesseforever

Yeah, the music confused me for a second. I was all "…aren't they in San Diego?" Yes. Yes, they were.

It's a rosin bag.

I was shaking with anger during that episode. The kid keeps saying over and over again that it didn't happen, that he wasn't there, and then gets badgered into agreeing by the very people who are SUPPOSED TO BE ON HIS SIDE. It's infuriating and terrifying.

They are *really* good. Likewise, Brendan's lawyers down the road (not Len, obviously).