The 4th Mrs Draper

That's some deep, deep cover.

No, I thought it was a huge joke. Thanks for setting me straight.

Can we go back to the well-meaning but short-lived s/he for Taylor instead of they? Clunky, yes but it keeps my brain from spiraling.

She's a street kid like he was, that's why the long marriage. She gets him.

Wow, someone worries about being redundant in AV Club comments? I bow to you.

Good point.


They write his personality all over the place. He's been the most craven of all the craven opportunists on that show and now he's all sobby cause Frankie Vargas was a gooooood man!

Ok, we need a third singular personal pronoun, 'they' is too confusing.

That's so when she gets caught and Stan and Dennis are grilling her, Ok prove you're American, who won the 1968 World Series??? Huh?? Oh wait, never mind.

'cause that's what gets Kevin Feelin' Groovy.

Soo glad it was the sandwich. I thought at first it was the piece of the guy's skull that got shot off.

I think he was waiting for the CIA guy in the park and when he didn't show, he decided to burn the incriminating tape and paper.

…and then shitcan it.

Was thinking the same thing.

No face chief of staff?? She has King Ecbert advising her for godssake.

Propane, butane, not a cigar smoker so they're all -tanes to me.

But propane makes that cool-ass whooshing sound….said the director.

Was it bread that Phillip's father brought home and the mother placed in the hearth to cook? Looked like potatoes to me, 3 moldy, old potatoes. So sad.

ooh I missed that!