The 4th Mrs Draper

I'll concede your point :-)

Loved the show but 2 minor quibbles:

Yea, her affect has been pretty bland, or even-toned, throughout so this was a major freakout for her.

Coming from a small, upstate New York town I can say there are more bars than churches.

Yea, it was kind of like the Roadrunner finding an Acme safe at Wile E Coyote's safe house.

And the look on his face after he said it was priceless.

omg lol!

Sex-starved teenage boy hormones - serving the cause since 1993.

Maybe Brother From Another Planet is her favorite movie.

The relentless switchbacks between evil masterminds is giving me whiplash.

He does cringe well, you have to give him that.

Yea, the proles would have had to wait for an appointment at the genius bar.

Exactly. I wouldn't care if the guy cured cancer if he stuck me in the hole til I 'learned my lesson'.

Big duh but I finally got it. I was wondering who that familiar-looking actress was but I can't be bothered to type IMDB in a browser bar since they took down the comments.

He's got a nice office for a deadbeat.

Give the kid a break, he probably needed the money.

Johnnie Carson interviewing Bette Davis on the Tonight Show: What advice would you give a young actress trying to make her way through Hollywood?

Nailed it

This endless raising of stakes is just a slog now.

…and the unisex mullets.