The 4th Mrs Draper

You are correct, sir.

How did you know? (spoken in Floki's singsong delivery)

I was playing a hotel piano bar in Sweden when a Swede said to me, Does your boyfriend know you are with Vikings? Because Vikings take what they want, they don't ask.
Still makes me lol.

Nope, but the Prince Valient haircut a while back was on the bubble.

All Hail Computer Games Commander

I thought that was Space Invaders. And when you did well the voice said, All hail Space Commander.
Good times.

"Think British, spend Yiddish"

"If I Did It - Volume II"

He cut some of her hair during the knife play.

OK, how about just a trim? Please?

OK, so Ragnar wants his new GF to cut her hair. How about losing the beard in return?

Reign = Gothic Gossip Girl

It's the beard.

The biggest liberty is Dershowitz has the courtroom fax number memorized.

"You don't save me. I save me."

who get sexy proxies to embody their fantasies, a la Californication.

Thannnnnk you

His faucets run hot and cold.

What, no Molson Blue?

At this point I'm only watching for the clothes, Jason's tats and the odd Stockard Channing sighting.