The 4th Mrs Draper


Athelstan's wind song stays in their minds.

I agree. Sounded to me like shorthand for badass, like if two guys today were plotting to have someone killed and one guy says, 'I got a guy. He's Hell's Angels.'

92 AND survived being married to Miles Davis. That's some titanium DNA.

I know Rose Pero is autocorrect gone mad but from now on I will think of the failed 3rd party candidate as Rose.

Rollo's Prince Valient haircut cost him some critical hotness points. *sob

Wet rocks to boot!

When did Larry King's profile get even more reptilian?

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh ;-)

" Miller and Holden’s Butch and Cassidy style team-up"

That was the connection for me - "debt collection."

If I recall, The Good Wife had a storyline about for-profit colleges, too.

Another reason that the boss calling Delia 'kid' is weird is because she's about a foot taller than he is.

Yep, like last season when he found out she sold drugs. She was wearing a cute pink outfit in her pov, but evil black in his.

Good point but I assumed she and the mother were there as friends of the housekeeper. Plus mom paid for the wedding.

We've had two seasons of Noah getting Allison's clothes wrong (if you assume a woman remembers what she was wearing.)

That's what I thought, too.

Yes, yes and yes.
Plus - another child can't replace a dead child, but it can help ease the pain, no?

No, but he invented the phrase - How do you feel about that?

It was the 'mick' detective in disguise!