
After the first time I was raped, I doubled down on my belief in rehabilitation and my condemnation of vengeance, because I felt like I needed to prove that I was better than my rapist, that I wouldn’t stoop to his level. After the first time a partner hit me, I swore that I would never, ever willingly hurt another

This is horrible. That poor young woman. Her poor family. I hope this man goes to prison for a very, very long time.

Looks like Detroit still has a crack problem.

This is absolutely disgusting.

Yeah, fuck all those people you want to make the world a better place to live! Everybody should be as miserable as you are!

Refresh my memory: Why is a black stormtrooper even raising a single eyebrow?

Billy, I hate to nitpick, but I have a problem with the headline. The phrase "insane, masturbatory rampage" should be "insane masturbatory rampage." You shouldn't use a comma when the last adjective outranks its predecessor and is an integral part of the noun phrase. In this case, the rampage is not both insane

Look, I understand the argument he's making here, but it's a false alternative. Let's rephrase the question: would it be appropriate to treat a puppy-sized spider (or an endangered katydid) this way if it were a human being? (the answer is no, you monster).

You know why I don't care who actually saw the 2nd tape? Because it shouldn't matter. No one should have to actually see the punch to know what happened. This is just throwing a bunch of shit on the wall to distract us from the fact that Ray Rice dragging his now-wife out of the elevator unconscious and Rice

Really? Read more? Why don't you simply address the issues I raised because I am not going to buy your book and contribute to your income without understanding if you have atoned for deeply horrible, violent actions for which you were rightly imprisoned: have you atoned for your heinous crimes? Have you set up a plan