
I don’t celebrate anybody’s suffering, but I think I’ll call this a teaching moment, and I do condone education.

The competition for most punchable face of the year is really tough this year, but he’s definitely a contender.

I needed a good, hearty belly laugh after all the horrible news.

I appreciate the cops letting him get roughed up a bit.

My husband’s octogenarian aunt and her friend had to go to the ER from stealing his teen cousin’s pot brownies. My sister was the attending nurse. She kept having to go around the corner to laugh. They were fuckin’ trippin’, HARD. They couldn’t stop laughing, but also decided they were both having heart attacks? I

My auntie made diabetic brownies which uses that artificial sugar you don’t want to eat too much of because it gives you diarrhea and gad something bad. She leaves them out and comes back later to see half the pan was gone. Turns out her husband ate half of the pan by himself. He’s driving down the road when the need