
a gucci dress. doi.

please also do not cook the pizza. it will add drama and dimension.

acoustic blowjobs is my new fave band.

And please, if anyone actually believes the anal beads and used condom comment Jared made on a step and repeat at cinemacon (that he was contractually obligated to attend and clearly didn't want to) they need to wise up. Notice how *those gifts* somehow were never mentioned for a yr and the cast only reacted to them

It's kinda strange everyone suddenly feels like the head of HR and like they need to fight the cast's "fight" against Leto for them - yet no one on set - production or cast - who were apparently on the receiving end of his antics are actually upset about working with him? He wasn't their first choice for The Joker, so

Ummmmm that "article" was a satire piece someone wrote based on Ayer's quotes in Empire Magazine. Jared never said any of that. In fact - he's actively avoided discussing the film.

Jared finished his tour last Sunday - when he landed in Toronto & checked into the hotel like 4 days before Will Smith, who doesn't have a second career, did. So, Jared is in Toronto, on set, and not due to go back out on tour until May. Maybe fact-check before posting? Paparazzi caught him at the Toronto airport on