
I’m re-marathoning Parks and Rec and I just... I’m not entirely comfortable with how attached I am to these characters. I really can’t get enough of Amy!

gmail has an IM system. i love it.

But what is so offensive about travel photos? This reminds me of my sister who constantly bitches about a mutual friend and what she posts. Yet she consistently ‘likes’ most of the friend’s posts. It makes no sense.

I’m not sure whether Winslet (who did win an Emmy for her astounding performance in 2011’s Mildred Pierce) will go down in history as a Streep or as an...everyone else ...

Never come back from the washroom go talk to somebody else..Or start a new topic of your choice. Are you an adult or what? Most people can excuse themselves from a conversation without that much drama pretty easily.

Normally I don’t really get pulled into the whole celeb coupling thing. For reasons yet unbeknownst to me I really want this to happen. Seriously I’m responding on an intuitive level and I have no conceptual justification for my backing of the potential love between Drake and Serena. It just feels right.

So true. I hated hearing in Europe the tone of scorn when people would say “Don’t only 1 in 5 Americans have passports?” (or whatever the percentage is). It’s like... most people don’t NEED them. If you want to go abroad you have to put down a chunk of cash, even just to the Caribbean, and many people choose to make

lol I know right! the whole thing is just so juvenile. I was really stoked when this blog first started because I figured it would be a great way for people to share their personal travelling experiences and actually get to know the world around them... but I am so disappointed with whatever this is. I will stand

Oh yeah, I definitely have a list of places I want to go thanks to Instagram.

When I went on a two-week vacation this past spring, I posted a statement on Facebook the day before I left saying that I would be posting a gratuitous amount of vacation pictures and comments and that people should unfollow me if they weren’t interested. I warned them and gave them an out, so I didn’t feel bad about

hah! I just got unfollowed by flygirl. somebody cant take a little healthy criticism

It sounds like what you’re saying is to follow the generally accepted rules of conversation in society. Is this something that really needs to be an entire article on a travel blog? Related question: why did I take the time to not only read but also to comment? I need a vacation.

I think what we really need is more articles about how to deal with jealousy and negative feelings, both within ourselves and in conversation with people who make us feel negatively. Like, I'm jealous of my friend's travels, what do I DO with that? I'm tired of hearing about my friend's kid all the time, what do I say

I really appreciate you saying that, MissAndry. Traveling is a huge part of my life and who I am, and I have been really surprised by the eye rolls and annoyance I have received from some people about mentioning an upcoming trip, even though I never mention traveling unless someone specifically asks me for details.

So travel, but don’t do lame touristy stuff, but dont be smug about being authentic, but make sure to call yourself a tourist, but don’t brag, and don’t stay anywhere too nice, but don’t be a smug hipster, and eat authentic food, but don’t appropriate local culture, and....ok no matter what you do you are fucked and

I hesitate to pipe up because I live in Europe and it seems that the American way to view travel, as evidenced in this post and some of the comments, is different... Basically my friends and I all travel because we like it. We travel together and alone; and we travel often. We talk about our trips, check-in and post

My Insta feed is ALL travelers/travel blogs/international photographers/official accounts from city tourism boards. I love it, and I try to post my own travel photos here and there (especially on #tbt). If my followers don’t like it, they can unfollow me.

“This is great and all but it’s wasted on Kylie because she can’t read.”

And the commenters agreeing are quite the show. “I’ve never gotten to travel, I could never afford it, I want to so badly! So anyone who has been able to is clearly a rich condescending snob!*”

I’m down with seeing the pictures as long as they’re good pictures, on their own merit (but I went to school for photography so boring pictures aren’t interesting to me in general). If it’s a well-composed shot and the light is great, it’s going to look awesome regardless if it was taken on your phone or not. 100