
this is one of my biggest fears. alien invasion is bigger but i think hostile robot takeover is up there.

I’ll be fine. I still have that duct tape they urged me to buy for Y2K.

First the airlines. Now the stock exchange. Next: NORAD. Skynet is software, people.

Good god, that is horrible. State-sponsored torture and killing in the US, to our own citizens, for being charged with minor crimes, with no due process. And with no apparent benefit to anyone. At best, because we’re too lazy to correct it. At worst - what can I say? Because we think it’s better to torture and kill an

Stop being obtuse. Or be less dumb. Either.

For $61K, I’d happily live on Butthole Boulevard or Anal Avenue, too.

I have never loved anything as much as I love this comment.

“silly americans, drones are for killing brown people not amorphous cellular blobs!”

How about abortion catapults or abortion cannons.

That was epic. It may have been ripped from more headlines than the entire rest of the Law & Order universe combined.

they should hire me to tell her no.

Whistleblowing is an absolutely necessary activity in any country, and doubly so where we have fought for freedoms worth protecting. The fact he fears for his life, freedom, and safety for the documents he released is just another nail in the coffin of democracy.

I can't help but love "whistleblowers." No matter the outcome, he has ignited a vital discussion. (Also, I apologize for this, but, to me he is sexy as all get-out).

Yeah the word you’re looking for is egalitarian, not humanist. Humanism is a belief system based on the belief that humans can sort themselves out without rules from a divine being & focuses on rationalism and empiricism over deism. Egalitarianism is the correct term for people that believe everyone needs a little

Can we ban people who don't effing know what humanism is from using the word in conversation or nah?

i hope they take somewhere random

She’s had enough (a month after not seeing him)! If my boyfriend didn’t come home for three nights in a row, we would be broken up by night 4.

Khloe and Kourtney take Menhattan? (I apologize)