
Unfortunately the revenue aspect is part of the larger problem. That being people thinking women’s sports are boring or lame, or really generally less than that of men playing sports. So the women’s games get shoved to BS networks like Fox Sports 1 or ESPN 8 the Ocho.

This game was SO f*cking fun to watch for the USA too. Also just noticed that the women spend a lot less time doing sh*t like this:

K but like there’s a ton of other countries where you can do that too and also people don’t get murdered with guns all the time.

Maybe so. I agree with you on the “as a whole” thing. But that doesn’t take away from how hard it is to live here as a progressive. I choke down the vomit every. single. day.

In 4th grade, I scored from mid-field. I’m in my 40’s and I still remember that amazing hoooooly shit feeling. I cried when they got their trophy. Seeing a team of strong athletic wen celebrated like this was unimaginable to me when I was younger and being teased for playing sports.

We’re better than a lot of places but we have a lot more problems than many places too. We’re kind of middle of the pack. Which is fine, there’s nothing wrong with being average as long as we continue to aspire to be better, but the fact that so many people think America is the best country in the world is kind of

I just kinda thought it was self-explanatory. America’s a great country for a lot of reasons but it’s also pretty shitty. I just thought that was common knowledge. But I can create an itemized list of grievances if anyone wants.

Wow all these comments are so insightful and relevant and really seem to grasp the concept of “a fucking joke”

Now playing

Meanwhile, at Gawker Media’s Trolling Academy For Authors:

I love you. That is all.

Jeez, everything about the Spurs is first-class. They continue to show that they’re the legit best sports organization in the world. I am mildly envious of their fans.

I would add, incidentally, that I really do feel like if you're in certain jobs you should have to recognize that you will encounter certain situations and if those are likely than don't be a dick, just avoid those jobs. So that's how I feel about pharmacists or people working in pharmacies who refuse to fill birth

Yes, that’s the kind of thing I think about—not okay to refuse service based on sexual orientation or race and other such characteristics of individual people. Flat-out wrong. The thing I guess I worry about is the idea of a business owner having to serve whoever and things such as “now you have to make a cake for

Q: Can you have an abortion if you don’t want to be pregnant?

This makes me want chinese food. I should see if they’re open.

So in all the southern states where most of the town is bigoted, the gay couples should just travel out of state to order their gay wedding cake? riiiight. Or, when you open a business, you are in agreement to serve the public and follow laws.

Gay or straight, you don’t stand between a 20-something woman and her goddamn wedding. Fingers will be lost.

I don’t claim to know your personal situation, but that sure sounds like something someone would say that doesn’t walk thru life experiencing much of either the vicious overt racism nor subtle and sinister discrimination. It needs to be a large sum otherwise the message will be soon forgotten by the next business that