Miss Andree

Try reading the replies from people in the 2 articles about this. She's been called a bitch, and many other horrible things so far.

She wasn't condescending or marginalizing in any way. As a brown woman i have often felt exactly what PA said and i'm so happy that someone addressed this issue. A lot of people think racism and gay rights is much more serious than sexism and fighting for women's rights. American society is much more accepting of

That, kids, is called a strawman argument.

This stuff just blows my mind.

First of all calling her a bitch makes you sound ignorant. Don't do that.

Exactly! It makes me sick to see a brave and positive message turned into calling PA racist. I expect better around here.

Oh yeah, she totally said that right before giving her white power salute.

Except she didn't actually say any of that.

Why? Everyone who has even heard of the civil rights movement knows white women were very far from the most important part of it. Everyone knows that, right?

So as the numbers show, wage inequality is a women's issue, across all races. Why should she "pass the mic"? Because it is "not as bad" for white women. Intersectionality is a way for women to discuss race within a feminist framework, not discount, criticize and belittle everything a woman says because she is white.

Just because one says that he/she has fought for equal rights in the past, where do you draw the conclusion that he/she is saying all those rights have been achieved been achieved? That all possibilities for equality have been achieved? You can't. You can work towards something in the past and not have reached every

It's not tough, but it isn't fair either.

Replace "angry minority" with "insufferable liberal" and you have a point. Those examples are not even all minorities, just a bunch of young know-it-alls who want to deconstruct everything ( especially feminism) until it means nothing and are just itching to take offence at any real or imagined slight.

I didn't get that she was tipsy, particularly, maybe just a bit overwhelmed. Believe it or not, just because you're an Academy Award winning actress doesn't mean you're excellent at being witty on the red carpet. Or that you're INTERESTED in being witty on the red carpet as opposed to saying something meaningful when

Don't pick apart the message and change the focus. We are all very aware about pay disparties and its disproportionate cruelty to women of varying ethnicities, but the minute we pick apart great moments is the minute we all lose. Women will have the backs of other women, but we've got to get there first.

Maybe you're looking for PA to say something wrong because you called her out for not being witty to some rando telemodel on the red carpet and then she turned around and made this awesome speech. It seems pretty obvious at this point that she had other things on her mind than amusing the public on the way in.

Is it wrong that I fully expect my best friend who happens to be gay to be as supportive of and vocal about my rights as a female as I have been for his rights as a gay person? He and I have discussed it and he even agrees-how could he NOT stand with me when I continue to stand with him?

I got chills...she is awesome! I know so many well educated, smart and talented women that deserve this!

Notice how a lot of men were unsure what to do when she said that. Finally something interesting and not self aggrandizing in the Oscars. if JLaw can't get equal wages we have little hope for the rest of us