
Yeah, I am telling you that. Unless your skin is ALREADY a very light skintone, putting enough makeup on your face to look like a white person isn’t going to help, unless you’re also putting makeup on your neck and shoulders and hands. Do you know people that do that? Because I sure don’t.

Also, begging for your child

Starred for the lovely pedantry! That’s the kind of pedantry I can get behind!

Actually, not true. Only the Whiteface-type clown gets to be fully white. Generally, the Whiteface is the “leader” of the other clowns, though how much he is actually in control varies.

“I’m most afraid of the same as the last four years. Nothing in life is free, and that’s what really needs to be fixed here and in the whole country. The people are living off the system. The people that are coming in and we’re helping out more than we’re helping out our own. And school has to be fixed, we’re paying

Agreed. Had the police not killed him, he would have been arrested and maybe tried and convicted, and justice, per the United States of America, would have been served.

It doesn’t. Fucking. Matter. If he was “no angel”. Can you not follow your own philosophy back, from your statement, back to its inevitable conclusion? The man was still entitled to arrest, counsel, and a trial and/or medical intervention. That you seem to shrug and espouse a mentality of “human garbage got swept

The issue I have is that there are other ways to take a person down then shooting them. I mean seriously, if it were a white man would they still shoot? Or try a different way to take him down?

The black man or woman killed by the police has to be totally innocent and angelic. We don’t want to taint our cause with those “that were no angels”.

So a black man has to be blemish-less in order for us to care? I see. Meanwhile white America is caping for a guy in Wisconsin because reasons.

I lean more towards Bernie but I think the complaint that Hillary isn’t feminist or liberal or whatever is BS. (FYI, I too am a non-white woman) I wish other Bernie supporters would take a page from Bernie’s book and stop with these stupid attacks and be respectful of his opponent. And also, stop posting bullshit

It’s also the fact that they aren’t even held accountable for “small” things like shitty driving while on patrol- so they start to push the limit just like teenagers - “what else can I get away with?” “Oh, I can do this, I have a badge and authority” and no one says anything or if people do, their input is ignored or

Michigan apparently has a form of indeterminate sentencing where the legislature sets a maximum sentence and a judge sets a minimum sentence. When the convicted person reaches the minimum sentence he’s allowed to go in front of a parole board to ask for release on parole, but must serve at least the minimum.

Why does it matter? The whole point of Rule 34 is that there’s porn of everything. He could have named her Xena Warrior Princess, Buffy Summers, Rosie the Riveter, Martha Washington, and there’d be porn about it somewhere. He could have named her Jane or Susan or Betty and she’s still grow up in world where strange

“he hadn’t made a good film since Clinton was in office”

Did you see the special where they filmed him speaking at various colleges? My favorite Kevin Smith thing ever. Especially when he talks about going to Prince’s house.

Yeah, but he can spend his time and money anyway he wants. It would be different if he still lives with his parents and all he does is smoke weed while reading comic books. He’s employed and obviously raising his kid to be smart enough to question people. He’s also the only reason Jay is still alive.

When he did that DC special for Dawn of Justice and Suicide Squad, DC gifted him Harley Quinn’s baseball bat from the film.

I don’t really have feelings one way or another. I like how he stuck by and tried to help his friend who was addicted to drugs. This makes me like him.

whatever you think of Kevin Smith he comes off as a really great, genuinely loving dad.