The problem here is that even if they don’t “want” to be “evil” with it, they may not have much of a choice in the matter as to who they have to attack in order to protect the trademark. You have to keep a trademark from being diluted by the public or you risk losing it when you do want to protect it, so chances are…
I can only think of a handful of YouTubers who *should* be getting Fine Bros./ Pewdiepie type money and CGP Grey is definitely in the top three.
CGPGrey’s was great, too, especially because he’s normally completely straightforward and rarely snarky or sarcastic.
So, unitarians.
The phrase “eat a cheeseburger” is so incredibly obnoxious and body-shame-y. She’s naturally very thin, always has been, probably always will be. There are things that can rightfully said about her as far as her opinions and actions, but I don't understand why her body always has to be brought into it.
I don’t take a lunch break because my asshole company wants me to stop the clock while I’m lunching, so a “9 to 5" is really either an “8 to 5" or “9 to 6.” I have a family and other parts of my life that I like a lot, lot more than my job, and I have a commute through some of the worst traffic in the country. I grew…
Yeah, but at the point in which you claim something that people have done for millennia as yours (via a lawsuit), you cross that fine line and no longer have merit.
You can’t steal what you yourself say has been done on every continent at some point.
Doesn’t there need to be a recognizable similarity for this sort of thing to succeed?
People have been getting implants as part of body modification for years. They’ve been used in scifi shows and movies for longer than that. Orlan doesn’t own the look.
Yes, but Orlan knows that & her art has been a long dialogue about depictions & standards of beauty across history & culture. Not saying she has grounds for a lawsuit but there is a fine line to be had between stealing/appropriating versus very openly referencing people, art & culture.
My uninformed opinion is “Eh, whatever. It’s art. Get over it.” Maybe it was inspired by that awful saline body mod trend. Who knows? Who cares?
Honestly, I’m more shocked by the atrocious spelling and grammar than by the actual content of the tweets. That they are dangerously aggressive loose canons comes as less of a surprise.
I was so flippin’ happy when I saw this pop up on my recommended feed. This time of year I get really homesick for the UK and snuggling on the sofa, wincing whenever anyone said something like “I think I’ll turn the heat up a bit. What do you think?” is as close as I can get to a warm hug from my mam. It’s brill. I…
I feel like it actually boils down to, "I didn't understand what rape was until I was a rapist myself."
Nope, that's silly.
Listening to their (deplorable) perspective provides invaluable insight on how to turn "rape prevention education" in this country from "Girls, don't get raped" to "Boys: stop raping." It's stomach turning, but important.