
People like this that are “pro-life” need to get called out for specifically what they are: pro-fetus (and by connection pro-birth, anti-choice, anti-women and technically, anti-life)

Points for honesty. They should make him the official face of the GOP with that phrase running on loop.

I strongly disagree. Their responses absolutely hit the legal question on the head with a big-ole hammer.

No, SEVERAL people outlined the proper answers to your questions but you couldn’t accept their sensible responses for reasons beyond my understanding.

like are you trolling right now or do you genuinely not get this?


And the baby in the story was delivered a whole mile away. That’s not mailing a baby. That’s asking a favor of the postal worker who they probably knew their entire lives (hey Jebediah, drop my baby off at my mom’s, ok?)

Every other animal on the planet is better than the human race.

People insist on describing wild animals as having human qualities: it was cute, playful, friendly... no. WHEN are human beings going to learn to respect animals?!!

Seriously, that was pretty classic territorial behaviour. This article is irresponsible and dangerous.

Knee to the balls usually heads off most hugs.

I think it’s the living together thing. You know, the super sinful act of understanding each others’ weirdo private habits before you decide to commit being with them until death.

Can you imagine shelling out all that money and working that hard just for PENCE to be the speaker? Huge slap in the face.

Sounds like “John Barron” (the Trump “publicist”)?

Does this mean we can start kicking Jews and coloreds out of our business establishments?

You and I would have been great friends as children, I can tell. The whole universe-building thing was definitely something I did. That’s super cool/adorable about your sister! And lol, your parents must have loved taking you to restaurants, hahaha.

This color was once called Ashes of Roses, which I think is rather charming.

I’ve never heard that term before. Is this color supposed to represent the angst of being young and saddled with crushing debt?

It makes me laugh that being an early riser is now seen as a legitimate qualification for president. I can’t wait to tell my mother she should run for president. Also, we all need to inform our cats the next time they want breakfast at 5 a.m. It’s never too early to start thinking about their presidential campaigns.

Me, I’m partial to someone with a keen understanding of how our government functions and prior experience, but I’ve always been an odd duck.