tina belcher, burner id lost to history

We happened to be at a campground a few years ago while there was a GMC motor home rally taking place. There were probably 25 of them, mostly in beautifully restored shape. Made me want one too, but I’m sure they require a lot more attention than we’re capable of bestowing

She earned her money, she looks great and she can do whatever the hell she wants. Good for her

You know what actually does suck about a first time DUI/DWI in the US? You aren't allowed into Canada.  You can apply for an exemption after 5 years, but until then you're not crossing that border

That’ll happen right after they start freaking out about how Trump stole and destroyed classified documents.

Came to post the same thing...you beat me to it,  Tom!

Yeach, NYTIMES isn’t exactly known for being GM stans 

I heard those stories in the 70s

I do the NYT subscription, but not the additional Games. So I get the free mini crossword and Spelling Bee for a random amount of guesses. If they make Wordle part of the paid additional Games sub, I’ll have to think about it. It’s just the damn principle

MotorWeek is great, very low key. In Detroit on the PBS station, it’s followed by Autoline, which is very inside baseball for the industry and if you’re into that, it’s fantastic. Can also be found online at autoline.tv

I hope it’s included with the standard Times sub—you get a free Mini and Spelling Bee every day with that. But the NYT will probably want to monetize this like Wirecutter and Cooking, and that will make me sad.

Oh, but try learning to drive in one. I learned to drive on our 1972 Ford Country Squire. You want to turn, better do some pre-planning. And good luck parallel parking those beasts. 

If they send their Social Security card back to the government, they should have to declare that they’re not entitled to benefits

And brightly colored ribbon!

Back when when I was working, we had afew spirited debates about what makes a car versus a truck. Now they have to worry about car versus conveyance!

I got stuck trying to figure out a country that ended in ah or eh.

Temps in December were above average...he literally waited until the coldest week of the winter 

Trying to direct my husband into a campsite has made me consider divorce more than once.  I'd love something to make that stress go away 

Ignorance is strength 

Well, they are strong Christians, aren’t they? 

Or, ghoulishly, maybe they thought the guy would die and they’d be on the hook for less money